Founded in 2007 by classical composer Harlan Glotzer, the Toy-Box Trio is devoted to helping audiences experience through-composed music in an entirely different way. The pairing of concertina, toy piano, and double bass is reminiscent of the classical piano trio — a staple in chamber repertoire — but able to extend into the 21st century by creating a sonic landscape evocative of dusty old music boxes and haunted carnivals. Michael Upchurch at the Seattle Times describes the trio’s sound as “A circus atmosphere dominates the trio’s sound, but it’s spiced with baroque touches, minimalist nods and a strong gypsy flavor.” Toy-Box Trio is committed to approaching time-worn ideas and concepts from unexpected, non-traditional, and rarely-used angles. The trio fills the space between carnivals, circuses, and classical chamber ensembles, creating a fanciful sonic atmosphere.
