2022 Moisture Festival: Opening March 17

We considered the idea of booking The Very Good Kaplan or The Merely Adequate Kaplan but then we considered what the Moisture Festival audience would find most entertaining. That settled it, we asked a performer who had been with us a number of years back … yes … we are bringing in The Great Kaplan. He has been seen on the prestigious French television show “Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde”, at Berlin’s Wintergarten Varieté, on stage in theaters in over 20 different countries and sometimes even at home in Columbus, Ohio. You’ll recognize him, he’s the one who might levitate a bowling ball or find one crashing down from the sky above. He might be juggling furniture or playing melodies on concert balloon or turkey baster (or maybe even on his great grandfather’s ukulele). David (The Great) Kaplan will join our line-up this year and we couldn’t be happier. We invite you to visit a wonderfully strange little world where we will see an act that is inspired by, among others, the work of Buster Keaton, Jacques Tati, Peter Sellers and Wile E. Coyote.
