Scott Land is a puppeteer at the top of his game. His seasoned performing skills are on display in nearly every scene of Paramount Pictures’ Team America: World Police (script by South Park writers Trey Parker and Matt Stone). Other screen and TV credits include Disney’s The Princess Diaries 2 Pee Wee’s Playhouse, The Ben Stiller Show, Still Breathing, Shakes the Clown and Rodney Dangerfield’s Birthday Bash. Land was raised in Redlands, California and at age nine he joined the local community circus and learned juggling, tightrope walking, trapeze, unicycle and clowning. It was the lead clown of this community circus who introduced him to marionettes. But it was seeing puppetry pioneer Bob Baker skillfully perform his professional marionettes at the National Orange Show that really got him hooked and inspired the youth to create his own cast of whimsical variety marionettes. Equipped with the skill, experience and a natural business sense, The Scott Land Marionettes opened for business in 1985. Since then, Land has performed some 10,000 shows worldwide at theatres, convention centers, theme parks, corporate events and on cruise lines. Scott has entertained at more celebrity private parties than any other puppeteer. In 2006, he traveled to Tibet and gave a special performance for the Dalai Lama, delighting his Holiness with a “mini-me” marionette version of himself. His performances were a big hit at Moisture when we had him last and we are honored to have him back.
