Sexy meets circus! Bludgeoning audiences with wit, crushing them with whimsey, and tearing them a new laugh hole … It’s the Kamikaze FireFlies!

Rob Williams is a Moisture Festival favorite. He joined us as a solo act and blew everyone away by making hilarious entertainment while making a baloney sandwich … with his feet. Then he put together his former legendary vaudeville team from Texas and wowed everyone with the Flaming Idiots. Then Rob showed up with the delightful and frightening Casey Martin who is sometimes billed as Super Spacey Casey. Together they are known as Kamikaze FireFlies, and they left people screaming (in a good way) when we had them at the Moisture Festival the last couple of times and we are looking forward to whatever they have in mind for 2017. As they say, they will be “bringing peace to the world at an affordable price”.
