Esther de Monteflores is an American circus artist, physical performer and choreographer. Esther is one of a tiny handful of circus performers in the USA specializing in slackwire walking. In her work, Esther seeks a balance between technical skill and expressive movement.

Esther’s touring credits include Cirque Mechanics (Las Vegas, NV), Bindlestiff Family Cirkus (New York, NY) and Circus Bella (San Francisco, CA). Esther’s work has received grant funding from 4Culture (Seattle, WA) and Artist Trust (Washington State).

Esther is the co-founder of the contemporary circus company A Frayed Knot Circus based here in Seattle, WA. Their production of Vivarium at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in 2020 was shortened by the Covid 19 pandemic but, fortunately it was filmed and is available for viewing on Vimeo here.
