The Canote Brothers from Seattle, WA, are as renowned for their affable attitudes and humor as they are for their music. Greg on fiddle, and Jere on guitar, and both on banjo ukes, perform zany concerts, play for dances, lead songs and promote a good time! You might know them from their thirteen year stint on NPR radio with Sandy Bradley’s Potluck. But here’s what a fan and blogger ( Pam, said about the mood that the Canote Brothers evoke:

“Can I tell you how much I adore those wacky Canote Brothers? Can I? In ties that are nearly as wide as their smiles, you head on back in time to an era of high waisted trousers and crank start automobiles and never mind that you’re in the basement of a rather swanky and expensive music store, it’s all back porch when those boys swing. Golly gee whiz, did they bring the wholesome tunes and the big smiley times.”
