2022 Moisture Festival: Opening March 17

Amy Nash is a multi-skilled, professional circus performer from Denver, CO with years of experience touring traditional circuses around the world. Some of her contracts included tours in England, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Ireland. She debuted a new style of aerial apparatus, called Tippy Lyra, in ROSGOSCIRK’s International Circus Princess Festival in 2016 and was voted best female artist in the MASTER’s competition that same year. 

In addition to her award winning act, Amy performs hula hoop and singing ringmistress. She was self-taught before receiving professional training in the New England Center for Circus Arts with Elsie and Serenity Smith, and later pursued additional training in Australia with Jasmine Straga. In her spare time Amy is sewing costumes for her acts, and enjoys writing short stories about her experiences in the circus and her travels around the world.
