Alan Plotkin is a member of the Moisture family. He is never on stage but he and his video camera have been welcome audience members for many years now and many of us have benefited from his work. Alan’s is an interestingly odd circuit. He attends Busker festivals Vaudeville festivals, juggling festivals, clown and circus festivals and unicycle conventions. Sounds tough, huh? Many many of the Moisture Festival acts have personal performance demos put together by one of the few videographers on the planet who has experience in our field. But in the end we have been especially happy to simply have his company backstage and in our dinner party and after dinner conversations about this odd art form. It’s good to have such a well trained outside eye watching.

Alan’s video documentary, Moisture Festival The Movie, is almost ready to go public … we’re excited to hear news about it and will let you know when we do.
