2022 Moisture Festival: Opening March 17



Legacy Society members give the gift of laughter for a lifetime!

There is no more significant gift to the future of Seattle Moisture Festival and Variety Arts in Seattle than a legacy gift. By making a charitable bequest in your will, your gift ensures that future generations may experience the same shared joy and laughter that you have come to love about Seattle Moisture Festival. This is a way to make a lasting contribution, often at a much larger amount than one could give during their lifetime.

Joining the Seattle Moisture Festival Legacy Society

If you choose to honor Seattle Moisture Festival in this everlasting and most generous manner, we encourage you to let us know of your intention, so we may welcome you as a member of our Legacy Society. We recognize Legacy Society members our this web page and in our annual reports to the community. If you prefer, we will keep the fact of your bequest intention confidential..

Seattle Moisture Festival thanks our founding Legacy Society Member: Kevin Beder

In Kevin’s words: “If I could have lived in an earlier time, I wish that it could have been during the heyday of vaudeville in New York, where my family is from since immigrating from Germany and Ireland respectively. My fondness of the Moisture Festival family has let me make this fine organization a beneficiary of my estate after I die. Please join me in helping to preserve this great local entertainment for future generations to enjoy.”



The information on this page is intended only to serve as a guideline and should not be taken as legal advice. Please consult professional legal counsel whenever drafting or changing your Last Will and Testament. You may find the following information to be helpful when consulting your attorney:

  • Legal Name: Moisture Festival (d.b.a. Seattle Moisture Festival)
  • Headquarters: P.O. Box 17484, Seattle, WA 98127
  • Tax Identification Number: 20-3366934
  • Sample Bequest Language (Lump Sum Cash or Percentage of Estate):
    • I give to Moisture Festival (TAX ID #20-3366934) the sum of $______ to be used for its general operating purposes.
    • I give to Moisture Festival (TAX ID #20-3366934) _____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general operating purposes.

For more information about including Seattle Moisture Festival in your legacy plans, please contact Tim Gonzalez-Wiler, Director of Development, at timgw@moisturefestival.org or (360) 328-1166.

© Moisture Festival, Inc.
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

All Rights Reserved
Site by The Medium