Photography & Videography

Please click on the items below to show detailed information on each topic.

Moisture Festival Use of Photos & Videos

Moisture Festival reserves the right to use photos & videos of festival performances for publicity, social media, the Moisture Festival website, archival purposes, etc.

    • All artists must consent to or decline the Video and Photography Release included in their Moisture Festival contract. 
    • Moisture Festival will endeavor to credit artists, photographers, and videographers where possible.
Photographer & Videographer Use of Moisture Festival Photos & Videos

Our photographers and videographers may use the images for their own publicity, websites, and gallery shows (with attribution to the performers), but not for commercial uses without the performer’s permission.

Artist Use of Moisture Festival Photography
  • Watermarked photos of Moisture Festival performances will be made available for web use free of charge.
  • Festival staff will share information for you to access your photos after the performances.
  • Please credit our photographers appropriately if you use their photos for promotional purposes.
  • Full-size, non-watermarked files, and prints will be available for purchase.

More details will be shared during & after the festival, when the photos are available!

Artist Use of Moisture Festival Video

Every performer will receive a link to all of their performances for download within 10 days of their last performance. Start looking for this link in your email the week of your performance.

It is our intent to video every show, but we cannot guarantee that this will be possible. 

Acts that decline the video release will not be recorded.


Using Your Own Photographer or Videographer

Credentialed individuals include the Moisture Festival photo and video team, authorized press, or others who have made prior arrangements. 

  • If you feel it is crucial to hire your own photographer or videographer, you will need to request special permission for that by emailing
  • If your request for an additional photographer or videographer is approved, you will make arrangements with David for the date / time of the show they will attend.
  • You will need to arrange a comp ticket for your personal photographer or videographer if they intend to watch the show. 
  • Your camera person should plan to arrive at least 45 minutes before curtain. 
  • They must check in at the Box Office and let the staff know they are your photographer. 
  • The Box Office staff will call the House Manager who will work with your photographer to explain where they can stand, shoot and move within the venue. 
  • They will be supplied with photo/video credentials which they must display while working. 
  • These credentials must be returned to the House Manager at the end of the show.  
  • Please let your photographer/ videographer know that they are only authorized to shoot your act, not the other performers.